The Messiah of Black Metal returns at last with a new album in 10 years following the previous album Hliðskjálf released in April 1999, that was recorded whilst in prison.
In case you haven't heard yet, Varg Vikernes was set on probation on May 24 last year, and he served almost 16 years of his 21 year murder prison sentence.

The album is about 50 minutes long, including 6 tracks and ambient Intro "Leukes renkespill (Introduksjon)" and outro "Belus' Tilbakekomst (Konklusjon)". The album's sound has not changed much in style in comparison to Burzum's earlier works, bearing similiarities for example to Hvis lyset tar oss and Filosofem.
While keeping in the style of old Burzum, Belus still sounds fresh and as expected it has evolved into a new direction aswell.
The album's name itself and it's concept tells a story of Den Hvite Guden "The White God", also known as Belus, his death, travel through the underworld and return.
Despite the change of Norwegian Black Metal scene, Vikernes decided not so go with the flow and kept his music the same style as it was during the Filosofem era.

The loyal fans will hopefully be pleased with that and without saying anything else, I truly recommend this album to Black Metal and Burzum fans and even those who haven't been properly introduced to Burzum yet.
While not being a huge Black Metal or Burzum fan myself, I truly enjoyed this album and it's a nice piece of music that deserves to be listened.
It's truly been a long time coming with Belus and it doesn't disappoint. Check it out.
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